
how to find volume of a pyramid

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Pyramid Volume Calculator

Pyramid volume calculator is used to calculate volume of a pyramid. The volume of a pyramid formula can be found below on how to find volume of a square pyramid, volume of a rectangular pyramid and volume of a triangular pyramid.

Volume of a Triangular Pyramid Calculator

Unit of Length
Triangular Base(tb)
Triangular height(th)
Pyramid Height(h)
1.5 Inches³
0.00087 Feet³
24.5806 cm³
0.00003215 Yards³

Square Pyramid Calculator

Unit of Length
Base Length(l)
Pyramid Height(h)
4 Inches³
0.00231 Feet³
65.54826 cm³
0.00008573 Yards³

Rectangular Pyramid Calculator

Unit of Length
Base Length(l)
Base Width(w)
Pyramid Height(h)
3 Inches³
0.00174 Feet³
49.16119 cm³
0.0000643 Yards³

Volume of a Pyramid Formula

A pyramid is solid three dimensional object. A pyramid could have different shapes of base. Volume of a pyramid formula = V=1/3× A × Height, where
A = base area of pyramid
height = is the height from apex to the end of pyramid
triangular pyramid volume

Triangular Pyramid Volume Formula

Triangular pyramid volume formula = V=1/6 × tb × th × height
It is derived from V=1/3× A × Height, A triangular pyramid is a pyramid with triangular base. In this formula, its base area is triangle, we calculate it by the area of triangle formula is A = 1/2 × tb × th. Here tb stands for triangular base and th stands for triangular height, and then multiply by its area with pyramid height, then we get volume of a triangular pyramid will be V=1/6 × tb × th × height.

How to find the volume of a triangular pyramid

Following is how to calculate volume of a triangular pyramid with triangle base 2, triangle height 1.5 and pyramid height 3
Volume = 1/6 x 2 x 1.5 x 3 = 1.5

Square Pyramid Volume Formula

square pyramid volume

Square pyramid volume formula = V=1/3 × length² × height.
It is derived from the basic pyramid volume formula V=1/3× A × Height. A square pyramid has five sides,a square surface and four triangle surfaces which makes it a pentahedron. In this formula,its base area is a square, we calculate it by area of a square formula which is A=length² and then multiply by its pyramid height, so we get square pyramid volume formula is V=1/3 × length² × height.

How to find the volume of a square pyramid

Following is how to calculate volume of a square pyramid with base length 2 and pyramid height 3.
Volume = 1/3 x 2² x 3 = 4

rectangular pyramid volume

Rectangular pyramid volume formula = V=1/3 × length × width × height.
It is derived from V=1/3× A × Height. A rectangular pyramid has five sides, a rectangular surface and four triangle surfaces which makes it a pentahedron. In this formula, its base area is a rectangle, we calculate A by area of rectangle formula which is A = length × width, so the rectangular pyramid volume formula could be written as V=1/3 × length × width × height.

How to find volume of rectangular pyramid

Following is how to calculate volume of a rectangular pyramid with base length 2, base width 1.5 and pyramid height 3.
Volume = 1/3 x 2 x 1.5 x 3 = 3

how to find volume of a pyramid


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